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Information or misinformation?

  • It is a fundamental question for our activity. Along with the spread of the mass media, press, television, radio, and Internet the sources of information have constantly multiplied. But the question that emerges is whether the development in the mass media area has led directly and explicitly to the increase of the citizens’ level of information.


  • Thus, we can provide you with a clearer image of the mass media, offering you the following services:
    • The consumers’ perception on various sources of information
    • The evaluation of the customers’ satisfaction in relation to a media source
    • Market analysis on the rating
    • Analyses regarding the consumers’ profile
    • Strategies for improving the media services
    • The analysis of the media competition
    • TV audience studies at the local and regional level
    • Business plans for the mass media area


We help our customers see their consumers with their new eyes, see their competitors more clearly and objectively themselves.


We adapt our approach to fit the unique needs of our customers.

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