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Marketing in sector public

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Soluţii financiare

solutii financiare

• Our services are addressed to public authorities, economic and social agents who need assistance in developing and broadening of the reference area and / or the associated Infrastructure.
• We are available through over ten years of experience in implementing projects with national and international grants. Today, the portfolio of Eastern Marketing Insights recommend us to provide you high-class service in implementation of investment projects, taking into account both customer needs and requirements of the sponsor.
• Our consulting and expertise services in project implementation include:

• Elaboration of funding documentation: grant application, business plan, feasibility study;
• Assistance in signing the contract with the financing authority;
• Assistance in organizing public procurement procedures;
• Paperwork required by the IB;
• Technical assistance and consulting in the financial management of the project;
• Achieving the indicators assumed by the project

• Our team's experience in developing solutions in grant project implementation is supported by portfolio of projects in which we are involved, providing support for both applicants and partners in the projects.

Legături utile


Ne ajutăm clienții să-și vadă consumatorii cu ochi noi, să-și vadă concurenții cu mai multă claritate și pe ei înșiși – mai obiectiv.


Ne adaptăm abordarea pentru a se potrivi cât mai bine cu nevoile unice ale clienţilor noştri.

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